Questions for Practice 5

Java Practice Questions

  • Write a java program to create a class Laptop with properties [id, name, ram] and create 3 objects of it and print all details
  • Write a java program to create a class House with properties [id, name, price]. Create a constructor of it and create 3 objects of it. Add them to the list and print all details.
  • Write a java program to create an enum class for gender [male, female, others] and print all values.
  • Write a java program to create a class Animal with properties [id, name, color]. Create another class called Cat and extends it from Animal. Add new properties sound in String. Create an object of a Cat and print all details.
  • Write a java program to create a class Camera with private properties [id, brand, color, price]. Create a getter and setter to get and set values. Also, create 3 objects of it and print all details.