Modifiers in Java

Modifiers In Java

In Java, access modifiers are used to set the visibility of the classes, attributes, methods, etc. We can divide modifiers into two groups:

  • Access Modifiers: It controls the access level
  • Non- Access Modifiers: It doesn’t control access level but provides other functionality.

Access Modifiers

For classes:

Modifier Description
public The class is accessible by other class.
default The class is accessible by other class in the same package.

For properties and methods:

Modifier Description
public Accessible by other class.
default Accessible by other class in the same package.
private Accessible within the same class.
protected Accessible within a package and subclass.

Non- Access Modifiers

For classes:

Modifier Description
final The class cannot be inherited by other classes.
abstract The class cannot be used to create objects.

For properties and methods:

Modifier Description
final Properties and methods cannot be overridden/ modified.
static Properties and methods belong to a class rather than an object.
abstract Can be used in the abstract class and can only be used on methods.